Three Decades

One week from today, I’m turning 30. THIRTY. I can’t. I literally can’t deal. Anytime I try and come to terms with this, my brain goes a little crazy causing me to not settle on how I feel about this occurrence. Half of me tells me this is no big deal, 30 is still young, while the other half of me is freaking out thinking I’m old.

I don’t feel old. I actually referred to myself as 26 the other day and my oh-so-sweet hubby gently reminded me I’m knocking on my third decade. I remember being a preteen thinking that 30 seemed so old. I assumed all 30 year olds went to bed early, had no life, worked all day, lame-o’s. I couldn’t be more wrong.

30ers are awesome! Not all of us are mature yet, and that is quite alright, I’m not sure I ever want to be mature. I sense that in your 30’s is when you finally realize who you are and you aren’t ashamed of it. It appears easier to maneuver through the difficult turns that life brings. You make wiser choices, unless the choice involves sweet tea or chocolate chip cookies, in which case you always choose those two things. They trump everything.

Turning 30 has made me reflect on these last 10 years. I did the math and figured out that I met Gavin two months after I turned 20. This entire decade I’ve had Gavin by my side. I love that. There is not a single thing that has happened in this decade that he hasn’t been apart of. So cool. Gavin and I dated, got married and had babies. There is no other decade in which any of that will happen ever again. Well except the dating. We date each other a lot and I don’t intend on stopping anytime soon. We’ve lost loved ones but added lots of new ones. We’ve made friends we’ll grow old with. We’ve lost religion but gained Jesus. Lots and lots of Jesus. We’ve built a house and a business. This decade…it’s been pretty terrific.

I have high hopes for this next decade. To gain wisdom. To love more. To serve, truly serve the least of these. I want to share Jesus with people in a real way. I want to love the way Jesus loved. I want to be a better wife and momma. A better daughter, aunt and friend. I’d say I have a goal to be a better sister but I’m already knocking that one out of the park. My brother is a lucky fella. Also, this decade will bring a lot of new adventures with my kiddos: school, sports, extracurricular activities, sleepovers, vacations, homework, art festivals, field trips, school lunches, report cards, etc… I. Can. Not. Wait. Where will Gavin and I be? Hopefully more deeply in love and still having loads of fun. Maybe we’ll still throw bowls of milk on each other while the other is showering. That’s a long, hilarious story. Maybe I’ll tell it sometime.

A lot can happen in ten years. I’m looking forward to it.

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